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Less talk. More action.

Change if you want to see change...

Our movement is made up of persons that are tired of complaining about the Carmichael Community and realize that we have to be that CHANGE that we want to see in #OurCarmichael. We've found a few community issues that need urgent attention and we've organized ourselves into teams to launch initiatives to address these issues.


Here's a brief who - what - why!

WHO we are: We are all volunteers. Nobody gets paid.


We are Bahamian and Non-Bahamian, young and old, black, white, Asian, Indian, mixed, Christian, Rastafarian, Hindu and neither, Carmichael residents and non-residents, employed and unemployed, made up of FNM, DNA, PLP, UDP but we've asked everyone to leave their politics, religious views and social status at home. In actuality, we are a unifying group focused on improving the Carmichael Community.


WHAT are we doing: We are trying to rebuild communities with ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things on the ground and in the various Carmichael communities.


To rebuild the various communities, we believe we have to address a number of issues, concerns and needs. So each month we organize several events and initiatives that we feel are interesting enough to get people to come together as a community, to get involved and out of their comfort zone. Our initiatives are listed on the Get Involved page. Each initiative is paired with the overriding objectives of educating and empowering the residents.


WHY we are doing this: We all (regardless of our politics, nationality status, religion and social status) want to see things CHANGE in The Bahamas for the better and realize that talking has done nothing, while action makes a difference.


We believe everyone deserves to feel safe in their community. We believe every child should have equal opportunity to do well in school and start a career worthy of their talents. We believe that everyone should be safe from violence, political victimization and sexual predators. We believe the best thing you can do for your people is to educate them. We believe more needs to be done for the elderly. We believe more people would be better off in life and in their communities if they took some responsibility for themselves, took some intiative and had the help they needed for a hand-up as opposed to constantly waiting on a political party to pity them with hand-outs.



Activism is generally associated with some public action designed to raise awareness around an issue usually related to matters of social, political or economic importance. Community can range from a group of individuals within a neighborhood or defined region, to the world community.

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